
I have created this blog to display my works to my friends, family and interior design professionals. I hope that my work will get me noticed in the interior design profession as a potential candidate for an internship. I have always had a passion for interior design. Working in small spaces like my room to big ones like my house. I hope to expand my education in design to learn more about what I can do in the design field. It is my dream to eventually own my own design firm in Burlington, Vermont.

Friday, December 7, 2012

St. Elmo Hotel (One Bedroom Apartment)

I really enjoyed being able to work on this project. When Seth first introduced this project, I had so many idea's for it, especially because of the location and it's historical background. I was able to use my personal design view of a rustic country look in my designs as well as incorporating Seth's taste of an upscale modern design. Given the hotel's location, the laid back farm design fit perfectly with each room of the hotel without going to country. I was able to incorporate my three design words of rustic, easygoing and natural into my design by using a variety of wood, both light and dark as well as natural earthy tones for the paint and tile. I was also able to incorporate my original concept model developed from the song "Home" by Dierks Bentley in my design. By going with a circular theme, especially in my furniture I was able to used circular and half moon tables as well as round bar stool, can lighting and a rounded couch all originating from my original concept model. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Designer Review

For my designer review I met with an interior designer at Sechrist Design Firm in Seattle. I throughly enjoyed meeting with him. He gave me a tremendous amount of feedback which helped improve my floor plans and color schemes. I really liked being able to sit down with him one on one and have him either correct or improve my plans, due to the fact that they will help me in my design and my for my future skills as a designer. After showing him my materials boards, he helped me decide which ones were more suitable for a residential apartment and which were not. He also gave me the name of a few showrooms where i can get samples of products to use in my design that not only work but are cost affective as well. He gave me a whole new outlook on my design. Due to the fact that money was not an problem when designing my apartment and common space, I used different and unique materials. But after speaking with him about some of the cost issues of his previous design's and my material's. he helped me find materials like flooring that may look like wood, but aren't and are a whole lot cheaper. I really enjoyed meeting with him, and hope to get more advice from him in on my future projects.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Assign.5 Bath Design

I really enjoyed this project. I love being able to pick out materials and design rooms to my liking. I think my design turned out exactly how I had planned. I went with a bubble theme as my concept. I choose Dierks Bentley's song "Home" as my inspiration of home. The way he describes summer as a kid blowing bubbles, really hit home for me. So I wanted to use that inspiration in my design. My favorite part of the design is the bubble tile I used on 1/4 of the wall.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Concept Model

I found this assignment to be one of the most difficult ones we've had this year. I really didn't understand it in the beginning. But the more I talked to my professor and piers, the more I understood it's involovement in the design process of the apartment kitchen. I like my model, I feel like it represents my design personality.

Ride Don't Walk

I really liked this experiment. Even though I got weird looks the whole time, I now know the difficulties that people in wheel chairs suffer everyday. I liked being able to see how they view the world and really how difficult it is for them to get around. I never really realized how much I took my own legs for granted.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kitchen Design Project

This project came with a lot of work. I never really realized how much goes into designing a room. Even though I fond this project to be a difficult and a lot of work, I am starting to see how all of those steps work together to create a room. And if you miss one a lot can go wrong.

Knoll Showroom

I loved visiting the showrooms of Seattle, especially the 3-Form glass. I have lived in Seattle for 14 years and never even knew about all the unique art rooms that you can visit or get ideas from. I didn't enjoy the house of the immediate future as much, due to the lack of appeal it had, but I did enjoy sketching the buildings around it. I have chosen a sketch I did in the Knoll Showroom below.

Urban Sketchers (Sculpture Park, Seattle)

I loved that we were able to do this on our trip to Seattle. I really like the looking and sketching the unique art work there. I also enjoyed being able to speak with the "Urban Sketchers" who not only gave me great advice when it come to sketching but when using water colors as well. I have noticed that my sketching is getting better the more time I spend practicing angles and drawing people. I have choose the following sketch, due to the fact that I think it represents the view from the park of the unique architecture of the city.

Sechrist Design Firm: Job Shadow

I really enjoyed job shadowing at this firm. I feel like they opened my eyes to what working as an interior designer is really like. They taught me so much, that normally I wouldn't learn about in my interior design classes. After going over their current projects with them, I do feel like I am missing some kind of element, that would prevent me from completing a project like theirs the right way. Taking into consideration that I am a student and am still learning the in's and out's of being a designer, I feel confident that when I graduate I will be more confident in completing a job or project at their level. Especially when it come to sketching, I feel so much more confident now when I sketch, thanks to Juan for letting me in on his sketching secrets.

Monday, September 10, 2012

ID 201 Context Poster

At first I found this project to be be very confusing, but after looking at other the projects of other students who created a context poster off a case study, it became easier. I like the antique look of both my poster and the case study I choose. I think it suits my taste very well.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Project.4- Poster

I thought that this project was an easy one, because everything I did in 102 for that final project was on this one. So i kind of breezed through it. I do like how it turned out though.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Assignment 5 Resume

I really like how my resume turned out. I think the more comfortable I get using Adobe software the more creative I get in my work. I love that I got to use my logo in the design, it adds more color to the page rather than just boring white paper.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sketch 9

I really did not like this sketch. I found it difficult to draw this way of shading then drawing rather than drawing then shading.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Assign. 4 Logo

I really like the colors in my logo. I also like the way I did my name starting in white and ending in black.

Sketch 1

I had a really hard time with the cross hatching. I was shading thinking I was doing it right so t didn't turn out as expected but I do think I completed the design.

Sketch 4

I thought that this was an interesting sketch, that allowed me to see the different elevations. Also I was able to practice drawing in a perspective. 

Sketch 3

Although I didn't see the purpose of drawing on a napkin, I really liked being able to draw my room.

Sketch 8

I really liked this sketch, because we got to use the black paper and white color pencil. I think mine turned out pretty well.

Sketch 7

I really didn't like this sketch because I had a hard time finding ways to trace this photo. But I do think you get the gist of it.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sketch 6

I really liked this sketch. I liked being able to show the detail of the fruit both inside and out. I am not thw best at drawing so I did struggle a bit, but not as much as with the other sketches.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I thought for being my first sketch I did a pretty good job, especially because of the 3D look to it and the small detail of each key.

Mind Map Sketch 2

I really liked this sketch, because I never knew how busy mind mind was in such a short amount of time until I wrote it down.

Sketch 5

For this sketch I had a hard time showing the detail of the walls and furniture in the room. I have never been able to draw rooms or furniture. I am continuing to practice texture and detail.

Textile Design

I really like this design. I used the same era as in the pattern. And composed a design using a dominate picture, and outlining it in a smaller picture from the era. The more I use photoshop the better I get and I think you can see that in this design.


For this project I had to use photos from the America Shaker era. Then alternating them so they are completely unrecognizable I played with the effects, changing the color and size, and then putting them into a pattern format. I think for the first time using photoshop I did a pretty good job.