
I have created this blog to display my works to my friends, family and interior design professionals. I hope that my work will get me noticed in the interior design profession as a potential candidate for an internship. I have always had a passion for interior design. Working in small spaces like my room to big ones like my house. I hope to expand my education in design to learn more about what I can do in the design field. It is my dream to eventually own my own design firm in Burlington, Vermont.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Assign.5 Bath Design

I really enjoyed this project. I love being able to pick out materials and design rooms to my liking. I think my design turned out exactly how I had planned. I went with a bubble theme as my concept. I choose Dierks Bentley's song "Home" as my inspiration of home. The way he describes summer as a kid blowing bubbles, really hit home for me. So I wanted to use that inspiration in my design. My favorite part of the design is the bubble tile I used on 1/4 of the wall.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Concept Model

I found this assignment to be one of the most difficult ones we've had this year. I really didn't understand it in the beginning. But the more I talked to my professor and piers, the more I understood it's involovement in the design process of the apartment kitchen. I like my model, I feel like it represents my design personality.

Ride Don't Walk

I really liked this experiment. Even though I got weird looks the whole time, I now know the difficulties that people in wheel chairs suffer everyday. I liked being able to see how they view the world and really how difficult it is for them to get around. I never really realized how much I took my own legs for granted.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kitchen Design Project

This project came with a lot of work. I never really realized how much goes into designing a room. Even though I fond this project to be a difficult and a lot of work, I am starting to see how all of those steps work together to create a room. And if you miss one a lot can go wrong.

Knoll Showroom

I loved visiting the showrooms of Seattle, especially the 3-Form glass. I have lived in Seattle for 14 years and never even knew about all the unique art rooms that you can visit or get ideas from. I didn't enjoy the house of the immediate future as much, due to the lack of appeal it had, but I did enjoy sketching the buildings around it. I have chosen a sketch I did in the Knoll Showroom below.

Urban Sketchers (Sculpture Park, Seattle)

I loved that we were able to do this on our trip to Seattle. I really like the looking and sketching the unique art work there. I also enjoyed being able to speak with the "Urban Sketchers" who not only gave me great advice when it come to sketching but when using water colors as well. I have noticed that my sketching is getting better the more time I spend practicing angles and drawing people. I have choose the following sketch, due to the fact that I think it represents the view from the park of the unique architecture of the city.

Sechrist Design Firm: Job Shadow

I really enjoyed job shadowing at this firm. I feel like they opened my eyes to what working as an interior designer is really like. They taught me so much, that normally I wouldn't learn about in my interior design classes. After going over their current projects with them, I do feel like I am missing some kind of element, that would prevent me from completing a project like theirs the right way. Taking into consideration that I am a student and am still learning the in's and out's of being a designer, I feel confident that when I graduate I will be more confident in completing a job or project at their level. Especially when it come to sketching, I feel so much more confident now when I sketch, thanks to Juan for letting me in on his sketching secrets.